An expert has the following skills:

  • Input from keyboard

  • Output to display

  • Decisions (IF...THEN...ELSE...)

  • Essential functions: modulus (%), ASC, ORD

  • Use of data types: integer, real, Boolean, character, string, casting

  • String manipulation

  • Common arithmetic operators (+, -, /, *, MOD, DIV)

  • Common Boolean operators (NOT, AND, OR)

  • Use of common libraries

  • Pro-Coder Rule #1: Use descriptive names for variables and sub-routines

  • Pro-Coder Rule #2: Convert repeated instructions into loops (condition and counter)

  • Pro-Coder Rule #3: Convert repeated functionality into sub-routines

  • Data input validation

  • Arrays or lists

  • Read and write to CSV files

  • A search and sort algorithm

  • Code using Object Orientation

  • Integrate with an appropriate database

  • Ability to debug syntax errors and create trace tables to find logic errors

  • Ability to search for solutions

  • Ability to search for problems

  • Document so that a 3rd person can understand the problem being solved and that the problem has been solved.

A key element for NEA success?

  • Own the problem you are going to solve.

  • Be interested in it.

  • Want to solve it.

x20 GCSE Python Coding WARM UP Challenges


GCSE coding challenges are essentially:

  1. Input some data from user

  2. Process that data

  3. Output the result to display and/or file

A-LEVEL NEA resources and EXAMPLES