Communicate with machines to make them work for us

Path of coding progress

  • Reflect upon your skills

  • Look ahead to greater challenges

  • Become a Master to become ready for the final challenge (GCSE)

Code Novice

Stage 1

To begin your journey you must practice key skills by working on existing code written by Masters.

This code will be based upon the x4 Principles of Coding (variables, I/O, IFTTT, loops).

You must develop the following skills:

  • Accurately copying existing code

  • Modifying existing code to make it work (Novice debug)

  • Extending existing code to change it slightly

Stage 2

Developing upon Stage 1 skills...

...you will now focus on writing new, original code...

...using INPUT and OUTPUT whilst not forgetting Pro Coder Rule #1 (variable names must describe what they store).

You must develop the following skills:

  • Write new code that displays messages on the screen (output)

  • Write new code that also asks for text to be entered and stored in appropriately named variables

  • Write new code that also asks for numbers to be entered and stored in appropriate named variables

Code Novice: CLICK HERE to enter the training Dojo

Code Ninja

Congratulations. You are now a Code Ninja and well on your way to becoming a Code Master.

Your skills now include:

  • Copying code accurately

  • Creating and naming variables (Pro Coder Rule #1)

  • Outputting messages to the screen

  • Asking the user to enter text or numbers

  • Debug skills #1

You must now build upon these skills and write your own code and where necessary, use Pro Coder Rule #2 (convert repeated instructions into loops)...

...focusing on IFTTT (decisions) and loops (iteration) .

You must develop the following skills:

  • Modify existing buggy code, that includes IF's and loops, and make it work (Ninja debug)

  • Write code that includes the appropriate type of loop (FOR or WHILE)

  • Write code that can make decisions based on a TRUE or FALSE condition (IFTTT)

Code Ninja: CLICK HERE to enter the training Dojo

Code Master (GCSE level)

Skills required for the NEA:

  • x4 Principles of Coding

    • Using variables

    • Asking for input and displaying output

    • Using FOR and WHILE loops

    • Enabling the code to make decisions (IFTTT)

  • x4 Pro Coder rules

    • Using appropriate variable names

    • Converting repeated instructions into loops

    • Converting repeated functionality into sub-routines

    • Using comments to structure and explain code

  • Master level skills:

    • Text file handling

    • Handling data in lists

    • String slicing

    • Data validation

    • Problem analysis

      • Breaking a problem into input / processing / output

    • Solution design

      • Using pseudocode or flowchart to describe your plan

    • System testing

      • Normal test data

      • Extreme test data

      • Erroneous test data

    • System evaluation

      • Does the system meet the requirements?

Learning Python Booklet.pdf