The goal of mathematics is to enable students to:

Essentially, maths enables us to describe the World in a formal way.  

This then enables us to get machines to interact with it or create simulations that model the real World so we can test hypothesis and predictions safely and efficiently.

Why study maths? 

Answer: Transferable Skills

The need for transferable skills In recent years, higher education institutions and employers have consistently flagged the need for students to develop a range of transferable skills to enable them to respond with confidence to the demands of undergraduate study and the world of work. 

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines skills, or competencies, as "the bundle of knowledge, attributes and capacities that can be learned and that enable individuals to successfully and consistently perform an activity or task and can be built upon and extended through learning."

Cognitive skills

Interpersonal skills

Intrapersonal skills

Assessment opportunities

"I'm no good at Maths"

Really?  Which part?

Exam weighting:
  • Foundation: 50%
  • Higher: 40%

AO1: Use and apply standard techniques

Students should be able to:

Exam weighting:
  • Foundation: 25%
  • Higher: 30%

AO2: Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically

Students should be able to:

Exam weighting:
  • Foundation: 25%
  • Higher: 30%

AO3: Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts

Students should be able to:

Topics and exams

At GCSE, you are examined by taking three 1.5 hour exams, worth 80 marks each (paper 1 is non-calculator) on the following topics:

More information on these topics can be found by selecting the appropriate menu item above

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